What To Consider When Buying A Custom Engagement Ring

Posted on: 21 April 2023

Custom engagement rings allow you to create a unique design. However, the process of buying an engagement ring can be very daunting. There are many things to consider when designing a custom ring. It is beneficial to outline some of the key questions so that you can be better prepared when the time comes to buy the ring.

Decide On Which Stone You Will Be Getting

The first thing to decide on is what kind of stone you will be choosing. Most people tend to favor diamonds, however, there are other options to consider. You can look at photos online of other gemstones to decide which is best for the custom ring. There are stones such as emeralds, sapphires, rubies, and even morganite to consider.

Pick Out A Cut For The Stone

Once you have decided on a type of stone, then you will want to choose the cut of the stone. The best way to decide on what type of cut you like is to find images of the different gemstone cuts. The images will show you the difference between an Ascher cut and a Princess cut. Some cuts are markedly different from each other, such as the emerald cut and the heart shape cut. However, some cuts are similar, and you will need to examine them side by side using photographs to determine your favorite.

Choose A Carat And Clarity For The Engagement Ring Stone

Two of the other important things to decide on are the carat and clarity of the ring's stone. The carat refers to the weight of the gemstone. Some people use carat to mean size. The larger the carat, the bigger the stone. The clarity of a stone refers to how many flaws are visible. The better the clarity, the more expensive the stone will be. It is also important to remember that the larger the stone, the more important it is to have good clarity. Flaws will be more visible in a larger stone than in a smaller one.

Choose A Proper Band Thickness And Material

The final step when choosing a custom engagement ring is to decide on a band. You will have to decide on the band thickness. When choosing a custom design for an engagement ring, you can choose yellow gold, white gold, or even pink gold. There are also other options such as silver to be considered.

The next choice will have to do with the band's thickness. This is a matter of personal taste. Some people like thick bands, while other people prefer thinner bands. It's a good idea to look at photos and compare each to know which one will work best with the stone you have chosen.

Contact a company like Krikawa Custom Jeweler for more information. 
